The current economic slowdown coupled with accelerating
competition calls for organizations to augment and sustain
best-in-class sales capabilities if they want to come out on the
winning side. Adding to this pressure is the rapidly changing
environment where a hybrid model for selling is emerging as a
preferred choice of customers forcing the organizations to adapt
However, are the organizations up to the task? How can you win
more orders profitably? Do you have a clear understanding of what
the customers really value? How can you increase customer’s
‘willingness-to-pay’? How does your whole organization create
amazing buying experiences? Can everyone see and act on a single
view of the customer? To address these questions, it is critical
to relook at your current sales strategy and approach.
The sales strategy needs to follow the direction of the overall
company strategy, with the team’s clear understanding and
commitment to the same. We highlight here some of the themes where
we are working with organizations to help their leaders overcome
inherent challenges and guide their company towards achieving
sales excellence:
Customer targeting – Who is your customer?
Defining this clearly, in our view, is the most important
strategic variable for success. Segmentation by most companies
is done mainly at the first level and is not granular enough to
really be meaningful. Selection of the right customers to target
is the key to profitable growth and it is therefore imperative
to qualify them against a set of relevant criteria.
Sales force sizing – In our experience this is
another neglected area with sales coverage based more on gut
feeling rather than a through market analysis. Investments are
more skewed towards back-end areas over front-line not realizing
that inadequate sizing coupled with a misaligned sales
organization structure makes the selling effort ineffective for
achieving the growth the organization is preparing for.
Customer retention & acquisition – The current
customers are the organization’s foundation. However, little
effort goes into a detailed analysis of customers lost every
year and creating a specific plan to retain them. Acquiring new
customers at a steady flow is also imperative for growth. This
can only be possible if the enquiry generation mechanism is
robust supported by a systematic analysis.
Sales model & approach – How the salesperson
interacts with the customers determines his chances of success.
The entire model from visit planning to customer interface at
different stages of the customer decision journey calls for a
nuanced understanding of the specific needs at each interaction
and creating a unique buying experience. Customer preferences
differ across different customers, even within the same segment.
Your product is just one part of the whole innovative solution
you can offer.
Training and Reviews – Do the existing
salespeople have the skills and capabilities to adapt their
selling process to the changing needs? Other than generalized
trainings, little thought is given on how to augment the model
with tools and consultative selling. Also, the reviews need to
be more focused and in-depth to be able to unearth the real
reasons for gaps.
In addition, the hybrid model of both face to face and online
selling is here to stay. Many organizations are yet to acknowledge
this fact and risk being left behind as time progresses. Creating
an integrated model for selling is a big challenge requiring
careful planning and resource allocation. The upside of this model
includes aspects like faster interactions, increased coverage with
same resources, possibility of bringing the “A-team” to every call
etc. It is an opportunity which can be speedily tapped by
embarking on customer facing digital transformation1
Amidst these complexities, how the leaders chart their way ahead
is crucial to their future growth. The key questions for strategic
inquiry therefore are:
1. Is your organization and sales team customer-obsessed? How
can you create a zero friction customer experience?
2. How effectively do you retain & grow existing customers? What
is your new customer acquisition strategy?
3. How can you leverage the digital model and technologies in
sales to gain a competitive advantage? How should you create an
efficient integrated model?
4. How can you increase the customer’s “willingness-to-pay”? Can
you design an effective system to deliver the full power of your
organization to solve customer problems?